
Posts Tagged ‘Matthew 10:19–20’

I am sure I used to be calmer under pressure. When put on the spot, I could usually manage to string together a few words that kind of made sense. But these days, I sometimes find such scenarios a little more challenging. If I am not careful, my brain can seize up and I can lose the thread of what I truly wanted to say.

Take being interviewed on radio, for instance, when I do not know what the next question will be – something I have experienced three times in recent weeks in connection with my latest book, Swansong. Thankfully, such interviews are often pre-recorded, which reassures me a little and also gives the presenter leeway to cut out anything later. Yet, I found it quite a challenge each time as I sat at my desk, talking with a gentleman I had never met via video or phone and hoping my responses to his questions made sense.

When Jesus himself spoke anywhere while on earth, especially when challenged in the heat of the moment, he did not hesitate. Whatever the risk, he spoke out with such clarity and authority – the authority given to him by his heavenly Father. On one occasion, Jesus explained this again to his disciples when seeking to comfort and reassure them who he was and where he was going:

Don’t you believe that I am in the Father, and that the Father is in me? The words I say to you I do not speak on my own authority. Rather, it is the Father, living in me, who is doing his work. John 14:10

Earlier on in his ministry too, when sending his twelve disciples out, Jesus gave them authority to heal and drive out demons but also warned them in no uncertain terms what would happen when challenged:

But when they arrest you, do not worry about what to say or how to say it. At that time you will be given what to say, for it will not be you speaking, but the Spirit of your Father speaking through you. Matthew 10:19–20

Now I am definitely not Jesus. And, as far as I know, I am not about to be arrested for anything I might say during a radio interview about my latest book! Yet, in those moments when I too may grope for words to express what is in my heart, I am so grateful that, if I focus on God, even for a brief moment, I am reassured I am not alone. God’s Spirit is indeed with me and in me at all times and will help me find the right words to say that will make sense and impact others in a positive way. Instead of giving in to fear then, I can take a deep breath, centre myself in God again, relax – and enjoy the wonderful opportunity I have been given to put my words out there and trust that God will use them in some way to bless others.

As God’s people, all of us, whoever we are, can find ourselves in those ‘heat of the moment’ situations at unexpected times, with opportunity to share about our faith in God. May we take a deep breath, listen well to the Spirit, then step out and speak with confidence and joy!

NB To find two of Jo-Anne’s radio interviews about her book Swansong, please click here.

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