
Archive for October, 2023

I love the Psalms. I find myself constantly gravitating back to them for all sorts of reasons – when the world seems particularly chaotic, with wars raging on various fronts, when I am concerned about loved ones closer to home and when I am feeling tired or a little anxious myself. Often, the one huge lesson I take from reading them is that God is ultimately in charge – and what a reassuring truth that is, whatever is happening around me.

Recently, I began reading Psalm 93 but stopped after only the first couple of lines because I wanted to take in as best I could what they said:

The Lord reigns, he is robed in majesty;
    the Lord is robed in majesty and armed with strength.
Psalm 93:1a

On one level, these statements are so simple, yet on another level, they are so profound. To me, they were like a breath of fresh air – or rather a strong gust of wind, lifting me above the troubles of the world and focusing my mind on who the Lord actually is. What a victorious declaration about our glorious God! To me, these words shouted almost defiantly, ‘Hold on! Remember you belong to the Lord of the universe who still reigns supreme, who is strong enough to withstand any challenges and who is still in charge, whatever is happening around you right now.’

After a while, I moved on but stopped dead again when I came to the following questions in the middle of Psalm 94:

Take notice, you senseless ones among the people;
    you fools, when will you become wise?
Does he who fashioned the ear not hear?
    Does he who formed the eye not see?
Does he who disciplines nations not punish?
    Does he who teaches mankind lack knowledge?
Psalm 94:9–10

I think we would all agree these questions pack quite a punch, don’t they? Obviously, the answer to them all is self-evident. Who knows when the foolish will ever become wise? Surely the Lord who made our eyes and ears is able to see and hear all things? Surely he who has the ability to bring whole countries into line will deal justly with everyone? And surely the Lord, the source of all wisdom and knowledge, knows everything too?

Sometimes we cannot see why our Almighty God does not act in a given situation in the way we think is right. Sometimes, we may even wonder where God is in the midst of such turmoil in our world. Yet God is present and is watching at all times. Our Lord is strong and mighty and just.

When I read these words, I immediately felt my spirit lift. I even sat up straighter and taller because these questions reminded me who I actually belong to – the most amazing, powerful God of the universe who was and is and always will be.

A few verses later, I was reminded that our Almighty God also cares deeply about us and longs to comfort us:

When I said, ‘My foot is slipping,’
    your unfailing love, Lord, supported me.
When anxiety was great within me,
    your consolation brought me joy.
Psalm 94:18–19

We are indeed in safe hands when those hands belong to our Lord who is so strong and able, yet also unfailingly loving, understanding and compassionate.

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I used to have such a mixed response to the idea that God is always present with me and knows everything about me, even the deepest desires of my heart. Eek! Was there nothing I could get away with? Could this even amount to some sort of invasion of privacy? Back then, I read the first few beautiful verses of Psalm 139 below from a much more judgmental perspective and viewed God almost as a critical spoilsport who was always a step ahead of me.

As I grew older, however, things changed and I began to view God’s knowledge of my every move in a much more positive light. I became so relieved to know God never loses sight of me – I rested in that truth and felt safe and secure as a result. I realised God sees all those moments too when I fall short but, by then, I also knew God loves me through and through and always has my best interests at heart. At that point, I began to relax when I read those first few verses of Psalm 139 and appreciate them so much:

You have searched me, Lord,
    and you know me.
You know when I sit and when I rise;
    you perceive my thoughts from afar.
You discern my going out and my lying down;
    you are familiar with all my ways.
Before a word is on my tongue
    you, Lord, know it completely.
Psalm 139:1 – 4

Then only quite recently, I realised something else wonderful about God’s constant presence and omniscience that has blown my mind. This came about during an online Zoom event when some kind words were spoken about me and I received an entirely unexpected honour. I am not writing this to brag at all but to share with you the insight that came to me soon after. As I pondered why I was moved to tears through what happened, I realised the Lord was showing me that nothing I do to help or encourage others in any way, writing or otherwise, is ever hidden from him. Even if my efforts are unappreciated and I feel I have wasted my time, God sees and knows. Through being honoured in this public way, I felt God was saying to me lovingly, ‘Jo-Anne, I know all about how you have tried to help others and spent many hours doing so. I know your heart and have seen all your efforts – well done!’

For me, this felt like a little glimpse of what I hope to hear from the Lord when I meet him face-to-face at last. On that day, we will not be left in any doubt that we are fully seen and fully understood. Yes, it may be a sobering thought that we will need to stand before the Lord our Judge, as Hebrews 4:13 reminds us:

Nothing in all creation is hidden from God’s sight. Everything is uncovered and laid bare before the eyes of him to whom we must give account.

Yet, because of what Jesus did for us, while we will no doubt be overwhelmed with awe in that moment, I believe it will not be scary but instead, so freeing and wonderful.

I hope you feel that way too – but I hope you also know you are seen and loved by God right now.

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It is not a sign of old age of course but, now and then, I find my brain is simply too tired or too filled with various concerns to absorb much more information. I may try to read a serious book but soon give up. I may even try a less serious book but find I cannot be bothered persevering because its contents seem too trivial, compared with the big issues in my mind. At that point, I may tackle a crossword puzzle instead – until I discover I cannot even understand some of the clues, let alone work out the answers!

So what to do? Recently when I felt a little as I have described above, I went to my desk and picked up my bible. Without really thinking, I found myself turning yet again to the Psalms, often my ‘go to’ place when I am looking for some encouragement and comfort. A bookmark still rested in the spot where I had left off last time, Psalm 40, so I began reading from there:

I waited patiently for the Lord;
    he turned to me and heard my cry.

He lifted me out of the slimy pit,
    out of the mud and mire;
he set my feet on a rock
    and gave me a firm place to stand.
He put a new song in my mouth,
    a hymn of praise to our God.
Psalm 40:1-3a

God had my full attention straight off. I so much wanted to feel that firm rock beneath my feet again. I read on but stopped a few moments later when I came upon the following:

Why, my soul, are you downcast?
    Why so disturbed within me?
Put your hope in God,
    for I will yet praise him,
    my Saviour and my God.
Psalm 42:5

Good questions, I thought – and a good, positive response too. I read on further then until I reached Psalm 46:

God is our refuge and strength,
    an ever-present help in trouble.
Psalm 46:1

He says, ‘Be still, and know that I am God;
    I will be exalted among the nations,
    I will be exalted in the earth.’

The Lord Almighty is with us;
    the God of Jacob is our fortress.
Psalm 46:10–11

What reassuring verses to read, over and over again! Eventually, I came to the triumphant final verse of Psalm 48:

For this God is our God for ever and ever;
    he will be our guide even to the end. Psalm 48:14

It is true that we can also find great encouragement and insights in many other written sources. Despite some culling in recent years, I still have wonderful books on my shelves that I return to often. Yet, for me, nothing matches the Word of God. As I believe is obvious in the above verses, there is a power and authority about it that can draw me in and pierce my heart, which is surely God’s Holy Spirit at work. When I read it, my own spirit lifts. I catch a fresh glimpse of who God is and where my focus needs to be. I am reminded of what God has done for me in the past and is more than able to do in the future. I hear God’s voice, ringing out loud and clear – and I am so encouraged.

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Each year, our church sets up a wonderful Art Installation for two weeks, during which anyone is free to come and browse and meditate on all the varied artworks and written pieces on display. If you live in Sydney, you are most welcome to pop in at Parramatta Baptist, 84 – 94 Kleins Rd, Northmead to check it out. Opening times until Sunday 15th October are Monday to Friday 9am – 12 midday & 7pm – 9pm; Saturday 10am – 12 midday; and Sunday 9am – 1pm & 4:30pm – 8pm.

This year’s theme is simply ‘Jesus said …’ – and how wonderful it has been to see the varied ways Jesus’ words have impacted people of all ages so deeply. Two thousand years after he spoke them, they are still challenging us, teaching us, comforting us and giving us so much more wisdom than we would otherwise display. As in the parable of the sower that Jesus himself told (Luke 8:4 – 15), it is clear in the pieces of work on display that at least some seeds of God’s word have fallen on fertile soil and are still producing good crops today in the lives of those who created them. And this Art Installation has given us an opportunity to share how Jesus’ words have specifically impacted us, in the hope others too will be equally impacted.

It has also been wonderful to see and appreciate the creativity of everyone who has contributed something to the Installation. That is itself has reminded me afresh of God’s own creativity and the amazing, gracious way this creativity is mirrored in the lives of God’s children everywhere. Some of us may not feel we are as creative as others. I for one am in awe of those who contributed beautiful paintings and handcrafted items to our display that I could never hope to produce. But I am happy to offer whatever words I can write, in an attempt to share Jesus’ own words in a way that may bless and encourage others as they have blessed and encouraged me.

Here then is my very brief effort for this year’s Art Installation. As you read, may you hear Jesus’ own voice speaking to you and truly take heart all over again:


‘Take heart, son,’ Jesus said to the paralysed man.

‘Your sins are forgiven.’

‘Take heart,’ Jesus still says

when life threatens to paralyse us.

‘Take heart, daughter,’ Jesus said to the suffering woman.

‘Your faith has healed you.’

‘Take heart,’ Jesus still says

when we are wounded and hurt.

‘Take heart!’ Jesus said to his fearful followers.

‘I have overcome the world.’

‘Take heart!’ Jesus still says

when our faith trembles and falters.

Matthew 9:2, 22; John 16:33b

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This week, one of our daughters is moving house. In a few weeks, our other daughter is also moving. Around then too, our son is changing jobs, after thirteen years with the same employer. One recent morning, I heard of the death of a man from our old church. Then, just this past weekend, that same church held its final, formal service before joining with another nearby church. So much change everywhere, bringing deep sadness for some but joy and excitement for others as they look forward to new beginnings.

None of these changes has anything to do with my own life choices. Yet as I have watched on, listened and helped our where I could, they have caused me to feel unsettled myself, a little out of kilter somehow as if the ground is shifting under my feet. What is going on? Why has all this change occurred? With some of these, I never envisaged such decisions would be made or such events would unfold. Yet now, they have become reality – or will soon.

I am well aware that life is all about change. Things do not stay the same forever and, if we try to stop this change, we can easily find ourselves feeling frustrated, fearful and defensive – or perhaps even plain bored. At the same time, although we may be reluctant to admit it, we may begin to feel helpless and defeated.

Years ago, during a rather tumultuous time in my life, I came across a well-known prayer written by Teresa of Avila in sixteenth century Spain that begins this way:

Let nothing disturb you. Let nothing frighten you. Everything passes away except God.

Sometimes, the last two sentences are translated a little differently but they still contain the same powerful message:

Let nothing disturb you. Let nothing frighten you. All things are passing away. God never changes.

I wonder if you find these words as reassuring as I do. Yes, things can often disturb and even frighten us, can’t they? We are human, after all – and we see in the gospels that even Jesus was upset and disturbed at times. But Jesus also knew his heavenly Father with whom he had been from the very beginning – and we have this same heavenly Father who will never change and will always be our all-knowing, all-powerful, all-loving Lord and King.

I the Lord do not change. Malachi 3:6

Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows. James 1:17

Jesus also warned that nothing in this world lasts forever and that we are not to rely on earthly riches which can pass away in a moment. Instead, we are to be rich in our relationship with God and know where our true security and destiny lie. We see this in the parable he told about the rich fool who decided to build bigger barns for his surplus grain and take life easy (Luke 12:13 – 21). Yet that very night, he died. What use then was all his wealth that he had relied on and kept to himself?

Things can change for us in a moment. Yet, through it all, we can stand firm as we fix our eyes on God who is eternally loving and utterly dependable.

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