
Posts Tagged ‘winning the lottery’

My heart sank as I queued up at the checkout at a nearby supermarket. I could see the staff member there chatting at length to each customer – and I was in a hurry to get home. So when my turn came at last, I did not feel particularly charitable towards her.

‘Well, I missed out on the Powerball jackpot last night,’ I heard her tell the customer before me as they said goodbye, ‘so I had to show up here again today!’

As she began to reach for my groceries, she continued chatting.

‘Never mind – at least it was fun to think I might win. You gotta have some sort of dream in life, don’t you? You gotta have something to hope for!’

Despite my negative mindset, I began to feel sorry for her if all she had to hope for in life was winning the Powerball jackpot. But … what on earth could I say in response?

‘I agree, but I’m not sure I like the odds of your winning Powerball!’ I said in the end.

‘I know,’ she replied, ‘but you gotta think you might! What else is there to hope for otherwise?’

I could not resist, despite still feeling grouchy.

‘Oh, I certainly think we all need hope – for this life and the next, don’t you?’

She was quiet for a moment and then muttered something I could not fully catch about kind of agreeing with what I said, although she seemed a little lost for words. Again, I felt sorry for her.

‘I think it’s great to have dreams in this life,’ I went on. ‘I became a writer in my late fifties – and that fulfilled a long-held dream for me. I’m still writing today and it’s been wonderful.’

‘Oh, that’s so good!’ she told me, brightening a little.

‘But I do believe we need hope beyond that too, including for the next life,’ I said again.

This time, there was only a vague response and I had to leave it there. At that point, I felt my comments had been so inadequate and trite. I had not even mentioned faith in God at all – I had not explained who could give her the hope she seemed to be searching for in life. The moment had now gone, but, as I trundled off with my trolley, I found myself praying a desperate prayer on behalf of this girl. ‘Oh, Lord, I’m sorry my words were so bumbling and inadequate – and I’m sorry for my attitude too. But please speak to her somehow. Please give her real hope and help her realise there’s something more to life than winning Powerball!’

At least this girl was honest enough to put into words what many others in this world seem to feel about hope and life in general. Yet here I am, having been given such a wonderful hope through faith in Jesus – a hope that needs to be shared, don’t you think?

In future, may I be much more compassionate and listen to God for just the right words to say that offer true hope to those whose paths I cross.

Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect. 1 Peter 3:15b

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