
Posts Tagged ‘young families at church’

I glanced around our church one recent Sunday morning as we joined together in singing songs of praise to God. The place was packed, with all ages represented. During the service, the children and younger teens have their own programs but usually wait until after our praise and worship time before leaving. When they do, it is like a mass exodus, as many young families attend our church.

This particular Sunday, I was especially glad the children were still with us as we worshipped together. At one stage, two little girls who looked like sisters skipped down the aisle to the front, held hands and began dancing. One looked about six and the other about two. Round and round they danced, laughing and having a joyous time. A few moments later, a third little girl joined them – another sister, it seemed, perhaps around four years old. All three continued to dance – and, at that point, two things happened for me.

First, a scene from the gospels came clearly to mind, along with some words Jesus said on that occasion.

People were also bringing babies to Jesus for him to place his hands on them. When the disciples saw this, they rebuked them. But Jesus called the children to him and said, ‘Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these. Truly I tell you, anyone who will not receive the kingdom of God like a little child will never enter it.’ Luke 18:15–17

Yes, I thought, as I watched the children, surely this gladdens Jesus’ heart to see these children here dancing with joy as we praise God – and surely seeing them is a lesson in humility and childlikeness for us all.

Then I noticed a friend seated at the end of a row near the main aisle, not far from these children. She too was smiling in delight at them as she sang. Now I happen to know that this lady is eighty-four years old – and I also knew that, during the past week, one of her best friends who was eighty-two and also a member of our church had passed away quite suddenly. These two women usually sat together in our service, but now there was an empty seat beside our friend. I had invited her to sit with us but she seemed determined to stay in her usual spot, even if she had to be by herself. And there she was, smiling but also looking a little bereft and alone.

Earlier, this lady had told me how much her friend had wanted to go to be with Jesus and also be reunited with her husband. ‘I know she’ll be rejoicing in heaven right now,’ she said, ‘so I’m happy for her.’ Yes, down through all those years, both these women have held onto their childlike faith in their loving heavenly Father. In recent times, they might not have been able to dance on the outside, but right now, one at least is dancing in heaven – and the other surely will one day too.

May we all keep trusting Jesus and rejoicing wholeheartedly in him like those little children I saw but also look forward to the day when we will finally see him face to face.

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