
Posts Tagged ‘the healing of the haemorrhaging woman’

Each year, our church sets up a wonderful Art Installation for two weeks, during which anyone is free to come and browse and meditate on all the varied artworks and written pieces on display. If you live in Sydney, you are most welcome to pop in at Parramatta Baptist, 84 – 94 Kleins Rd, Northmead to check it out. Opening times until Sunday 15th October are Monday to Friday 9am – 12 midday & 7pm – 9pm; Saturday 10am – 12 midday; and Sunday 9am – 1pm & 4:30pm – 8pm.

This year’s theme is simply ‘Jesus said …’ – and how wonderful it has been to see the varied ways Jesus’ words have impacted people of all ages so deeply. Two thousand years after he spoke them, they are still challenging us, teaching us, comforting us and giving us so much more wisdom than we would otherwise display. As in the parable of the sower that Jesus himself told (Luke 8:4 – 15), it is clear in the pieces of work on display that at least some seeds of God’s word have fallen on fertile soil and are still producing good crops today in the lives of those who created them. And this Art Installation has given us an opportunity to share how Jesus’ words have specifically impacted us, in the hope others too will be equally impacted.

It has also been wonderful to see and appreciate the creativity of everyone who has contributed something to the Installation. That is itself has reminded me afresh of God’s own creativity and the amazing, gracious way this creativity is mirrored in the lives of God’s children everywhere. Some of us may not feel we are as creative as others. I for one am in awe of those who contributed beautiful paintings and handcrafted items to our display that I could never hope to produce. But I am happy to offer whatever words I can write, in an attempt to share Jesus’ own words in a way that may bless and encourage others as they have blessed and encouraged me.

Here then is my very brief effort for this year’s Art Installation. As you read, may you hear Jesus’ own voice speaking to you and truly take heart all over again:


‘Take heart, son,’ Jesus said to the paralysed man.

‘Your sins are forgiven.’

‘Take heart,’ Jesus still says

when life threatens to paralyse us.

‘Take heart, daughter,’ Jesus said to the suffering woman.

‘Your faith has healed you.’

‘Take heart,’ Jesus still says

when we are wounded and hurt.

‘Take heart!’ Jesus said to his fearful followers.

‘I have overcome the world.’

‘Take heart!’ Jesus still says

when our faith trembles and falters.

Matthew 9:2, 22; John 16:33b

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