
Posts Tagged ‘punctuation’

Sometimes in the busyness and challenges of life, I find I can lose perspective. I can so easily refuse to see the bigger picture, forget the many challenges I have overcome in the past in God’s strength—and, at times, forget altogether that our all-powerful, all-loving God is with me in every situation, come what may.

I saw this again recently in myself when I received a lovely email from the editorial administrator at the UK publishing house with whom I have a contract for my next non-fiction book. Among other things, she asked me to read the attached twelve-page document outlining their ‘house style’ and to implement it throughout my manuscript. I had already suspected that, being a UK publisher, their opinion on when to use or not to use commas, full stops, italics, quotation marks and other punctuation paraphernalia would differ from mine, but, as soon as I opened the document, the reality and extent of these differences hit with some force.

Of course, there is nothing wrong with their requests. After all, they adhere to the rules in well-respected style manuals and have a responsibility to ensure they produce books of a high standard. It is just that their style differs from what our style manuals here in Australia often suggest. And it also differs at times from the personal, idiosyncratic style I have somehow developed in my years of writing my books and blogs. These have become very ingrained in me, so imagine my shock at having suddenly to change all my thinking, for example, about setting out Bible verses and other quotations, of which there are many in my manuscript! On top of that, my beloved long ‘m dash’ is apparently to be used only when interrupted while speaking. Elsewhere, a spaced ‘n dash’ is required—and that takes a bit of getting used to for me!

I know I will overcome these stylistic challenges as I persevere—and I am well aware they are absolutely nothing, compared with other much, much huger trials in life. Recently, I received an email from a friend with a young family member facing life-threatening health issues for which the doctors seem to have no answers. And I think too right now of the ongoing devastation the people of Turkey and Syria are suffering as a result of the recent horrific earthquakes there. I thought of them all in particular one morning this week as I read the following verses in Scripture:

You will keep in perfect peace
    all who trust in you,
    all whose thoughts are fixed on you!

Trust in the Lord always,
    for the Lord God is the eternal Rock.
Isaiah 26:3–4 NLT

How much those Christians in Turkey and Syria desperately need God to be that solid, eternal Rock beneath their feet that no earthquake can shatter. And how much my friend with an ill family member needs that perfect peace right now that Isaiah mentions. Yet, in our little, day-to-day challenges too, even those interesting editing matters, these verses encourage us all to keep our thoughts focused on the Lord and our hearts trusting in him.

I am so grateful I know that, as I do, I will find that peace that passes understanding and stand firm, instead of becoming overwhelmed. And I hope and pray you do too.

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